Our Journal

Asia Pacific Mission Studies (APMS) is an electronic open-access online journal (e-journal) published twice a year by EAPI, which is situated within the campus of the Ateneo de Manila University (Quezon City) and run by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific.
Responding to the increasing role of electronic media, APMS succeeds its predecessor, the East Asian Pastoral Review (EAPR), which ended its publication in printed form with the final issue, volume 53 (2016) no. 1.
Like EAPR, APMS aims to promote the vision and mission of EAPI. In a region characterized by diverse cultures and religious traditions, widespread poverty, and complex social changes, the Institute provides programs and services for the integral formation, training and renewal of lay persons, religious, and ordained ministers towards new ways of being Church.
APMS aims to promote knowledge and research related to the mission of the Church, in a way that bridges theology and ministry in the Asia-Pacific context, and facilitates informed praxis and creative witnessing by the Church to the values of God’s reign.
APMS can be accessed for free here: https://archium.ateneo.edu/apms/
To contribute an article for publication, please contact apms@eapi.org.ph.