Extension Program
The EAPI Extension Program offers consultancy, training, and accompaniment for church organizations in Asia Pacific to help them make a more systemic and sustainable impact in their local contexts. It works through partnerships with local or regional organizations such as diocesan bodies, pastoral and formation institutes, episcopal committees, and religious or lay associations. This service complements the residential and other activities of EAPI in serving the local churches towards their role as leaven in the transformation of society.
The types of consultancy and training services offered typically pertain to the areas of pastoral leadership, strategic planning or curriculum upgrading of formation or pastoral institutes, enhancement of lay formation, renewal of vital ecclesial organizations, and other medium-term to long-term structural changes for more effective mission.
The program involves visits by EAPI resource persons to the local organizations, meetings with pastoral leaders, facilitation of communal dialogue and discernment, workshops, advisory services, and on-going accompaniment of relevant local personnel.
In recent years, EAPI has partnered with local church organizations in countries such as Myanmar, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Micronesia.
For inquiries, please contact Fr. Johnny Go, SJ, EAPI Extension Program Coordinator, through the EAPI Secretariat (admission@eapi.org.ph).