Sr Nurhayati Wiguno OSU

After I finished my service as a General Treasurer in Rome, my congregation gave me the opportunity to take a sabbatical. I wanted to have a meaningful rest, so I searched for different kinds of sabbatical programs that would fit my purpose. I made the right decision in choosing EAPI in Manila.

This is a short program of only ten weeks, but I like it very much because it went beyond my purpose. In my group we are 14 from 11 countries. Our group is very nice; I feel like I have known them for a long time. We have a lot of fun in the class, during our outings and sports activities. and in daily life.

All the facilitators are experts in their subjects. They help me to know and love myself, my Church and my environment, including my God and my neighbours, better. The eight-day retreat brought me to love others more and to be closer to God.

I have time for rest, relaxation and sports. The food, the accommodation, the atmosphere–all are very nice and support my purpose.  I feel happy and healthy here.